Mission Statement

To improve the physical, social, mental, emotional and spiritual health of Our People where Bulgarr Ngaru is the primary health care provider to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.


The provision of primary health services including dental, support for palliative care in the home, audiology, podiatry, family crisis care, drug & alcohol counselling, chronic care programs, allied health, crisis and intervention support services, early intervention and child protection.

Our Quality Objectives

The Corporation aims to improve the health status of the Aboriginal communities in the Northern Rivers through the implementation of appropriate medical care and disease prevention programs, where Bulgarr Ngaru is the primary health care provider to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Clients and Communities

To work in partnership with Clarence, Richmond and Tweed Valley communities to implement a comprehensive primary health care model


To conduct our business in an honest and transparent manner. Our Board members undertake regular governance training in order to provide legislative and regulation applicable compliance along with strong corporate governance

Human Resource

To maintain a fair, supportive and innovative work environment which is culturally sensitive to the needs our patients. Our staff will be supported through an approach of continual professional development.

Service Delivery

To deliver culturally appropriate, high quality services using evidence based comprehensive primary health care model through a family centred approach with specific focus on prevention, early intervention, chronic disease management and continual quality improvement.

Financial Management

To implement funding in an efficient and effective way, managed by a financial process which is transparent and accountable in how we maximise funding to achieve improved health outcomes.

Management Systems

To effectively manage our processes and address all relative objectives of our management systems through systematic continuous quality improvement and an integrated risk management approach.

Our commitment as an Aboriginal Community Controlled health service is to maintain standards of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and the International Organisation Standardisation (ISO 9001:2015)

We demonstrate the ongoing cycle of commitment to Continual Quality Improvement, by engaging staff and community in utilising the tools available to question the level of service delivery, to identify areas of risk and improvement and to ensure that steps are taken to address any corrective actions or suggestions for continual improvement and growth opportunities.